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Official Chronicler of Los Montesinos (1993-2015)

Remedios Muñoz Hernández


Cover of the book Municipal segregations in Bajo Segura

Municipal segregations in Bajo Segura: The processes of Almoradí, Algorfa and Los Montesinos. 2000

Cover book Los Montesinos images of our history 2013

Los Montesinos: Images of our history. 2013

Book cover From the Marquesa to Los Montesinos 2013

De La Marquesa a Los Montesinos. 2013

Cover of the book Inheritances for the benefit of the soul 2014

Inheritances for the benefit of the soul. The power of the clergy and the organization of the territory in the dry coast of Bajo Segura. 2014


Article 1995

ALQUIBLA Magazine No. 1


Article 1998

ALQUIBLA Magazine No. 4


Article 1999

ALQUIBLA Magazine No. 5


Article 2000

The Alfeitamí dam (XVI) and the reduction of the marsh in the southern section of the Segura river (Almoradí). 2000

Article 2001

ALQUIBLA Magazine No. 7


Article 2002

ALQUIBLA Magazine No. 8


Article 2011

Los Montesinos: From a dry farmhouse to a village among gardens thanks to the Levante Margin Derecha Irrigation Canal. 2011

Article 2012

Almoradí, independent municipality of Orihuela in 1583. Análisis del privilegio que le confiere categoría de Universidad. 2012


New populations in the south of Alicante. The intervention of the church in the consolidation of neighborhood nuclei, s. XVIII. 2012


Historical research as an effective instrument in heritage conservation. 2013


Bajo Segura Research Magazine

Magazine cover ALQUIBLA 1-1995

Alquibla Magazine 1995

Magazine cover ALQUIBLA 2-1996

Alquibla Magazine 1996

Magazine cover ALQUIBLA 3-1997

Alquibla Magazine 1997

Magazine cover ALQUIBLA 4-1998

Alquibla Magazine 1998

Magazine cover ALQUIBLA 5-1999

Alquibla Magazine 1999

Magazine cover ALQUIBLA 6-2000

Alquibla Magazine 2000

Magazine cover ALQUIBLA 7-2001

Alquibla Magazine 2001

Magazine cover ALQUIBLA 8-2002

Alquibla Magazine 2002


Free of land divisions between vehicles of the most noble and loyal Ciutat de Oriola

The codex, with somewhat deteriorated wooden covers, has some
dimensions of 42O by 27O cm. Its interior is made up of eighty-seven
parchment folios, well preserved, two-column manuscript, with handwriting
pre-humanistic Gothic, datable to the first half of the XIV whose initials appear
illuminated in red and blue. Its pages are divided into two columns,
in which the name and surname of the beneficiary is clearly noted,
profession, sometimes origin and the lot of land granted in tahúllas,
whose quantity is expressed in Roman numerals. There are surnames of
noble lineage along with others with more modest professions such as skinners,
shoemakers, fusteros or stone masters. Aspects of interest covered
in the text are those referred to the reconstruction and care of ditches, azarbes and
waterwheels, road maintenance and conservation of fountains and land use

Inner facsimile headline page


Chronicle 2011

Chronicle of Los Montesinos. 2011

Chronicle 2012

Chronicle of Los Montesinos. 2012

Chronicle 2013

Chronicle of Los Montesinos. 2013

Chronicle 2014

Chronicle of Los Montesinos. 2014

Documentation related to the appointment of official chronicler


Book cover festivities 1993
Festivities cover 1994
Festivities cover 1995
Book cover festivities 1996
Book cover festivities 1997
Book cover festivities 1998
Book cover festivities 2001
Book cover festivities 2008
Book cover festivities 2010
Book cover festivities 2011
Book cover festivities 2012
Book cover festivities 2012
Book cover festivities 2015


Official Chronicler of Los Montesinos (1993-2015)

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