Government team

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José Manuel Butrón Sánchez – PSOE – Mayor

Ana Belén Juárez Pastor – PSOE – Government councilor

Rosa Belén Morán Paredes – PSOE – Government councilor

Joaquín García Ferrández – PSOE – Government councilor

Nathalie Marie France Dubi – PSOE – Government councilor

Alejandro Espí Hernández – PSOE – Government councilor

José Luis Simón López – PSOE – Government councilor

The Mayor’s Office of this City Council, in use of the powers conferred by the legal system and in particular art. 21.1.b) of the Local Government Bases Law, designated by Decree dated June 18, 2019 the work areas of each of the Government councilors, through the figure of Councilor-Delegate, in accordance with the provisions of articles 21.3 and 23.4 of Law 7/1985, of April 2, Regulating the Bases of Local Regime; and articles 43, 44, 45 120 and 121 of the Regulations for Organization, Operation and Legal Regime of Local Entities, approved by Royal Decree 2568/1986, of November 28.

  • MS ANA BELÉN JUÁREZ PASTOR, DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT, EMPLOYMENT, ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, SPORTS, TOURISM, TRADE, ENVIRONMENT AND EQUALITY: It will cover the promotion of employment and local economic development, the promotion of sports and management of sports facilities, fairs, tourism and local commerce and actions aimed at protecting and maintaining the environment, as well as those referring to equality of gender.
  • MS ROSA BELÉN MORÁN PAREDES, DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION, CULTURE, CITIZEN PARTICIPATION, ASSISTANCE TO FOREIGN RESIDENTS AND HERITAGE: It will cover the promotion and management of issues related to the municipality’s education and cultural services, citizen participation and information campaigns to inform citizens of municipal actions, as well as issues related to the municipal historical archive, acquisition, conservation and use of the assets that make up the municipal patrimony and attention to foreign residents.
  • MRS. NATHALIE MARIE-FRANCE B DUBI, DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, SOCIAL SERVICES, COLLECTIVES AND THE ELDERLY: It will cover the management of benefits and assistance from social and collective services, care for groups with special needs, such as young people, the elderly, the disabled, the elderly, etc., and the organization of activities related to public health and health control of the location.
  • JOAQUÍN GARCÍA FERRÁNDEZ DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SERVICES, AGRICULTURE, ROADS AND WORKS: It will cover issues related to the execution of municipal works, building permits, environmental intervention instruments, urban discipline, maintenance of public facilities, municipal park and garden services, cemetery, waste collection and street cleaning, public lighting, as well as issues related to the water cycle (drinking water, sewerage and treatment plants), as well as those related to agriculture and public roads.
  • MR. ALEJANDRO ESPÍ HERNÁNDEZ, DEPARTMENT OF FESTIVITIES, YOUTH AND MODERNIZATION OF THE ADMINISTRATION: It will cover issues related to the municipal festivities, youth as well as those related to the modernization of the administration.
  • MR. JOSÉ LUIS SIMÓN LÓPEZ, POLICE, TRAFFIC AND CITIZEN SAFETY DEPARTMENT: It will cover matters related to local police, traffic, civil protection and citizen security.

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