European Next Generation Funds

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The European Council approved on June 21, 2020 the creation of the Next Generation EU program, considered the largest economic stimulus instrument ever financed by the European Union, in response to the crisis caused by the coronavirus.

The approval of the Spanish Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan was approved by the European Commission on June 16, 2021. The Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan is an investment plan and structural reforms that interrelate and provide feedback to achieve 4 cross-cutting objectives: move towards a greener, more digital, more cohesive Spain from a social and territorial point of view, and more egalitarian.

The RTR Plan is aimed at achieving sustainable and inclusive growth through a consistent and coordinated strategy, from the temporal point of view and also in relation to the set of national and community economic policy instruments.

The plan consists of 10 lever policies and 30 components that make it possible to articulate the plan’s coherent investment and reform programs (See the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan in PDF).

The recovery plan fully responds to the specific recommendations of the European institutions, and to the requirements and priorities of the new Next Generation EU instruments. This plan foresees the mobilization of more than 140,000 million euros of public investment until 2026, with a strong concentration of investments and reforms in the first phase of the Next Generation EU Plan, which covers the period 2021-2023, in order to promote recovery and achieve maximum impact.

The Los Montesinos City Council has been working since the last quarter of 2022 on the request and implementation of the aid established in this plan for Local Entities

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