Procedures and Requests

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All applications are available to print, you can fill them out at home and present them at the town hall.

SECRETARYGeneral instance request
SECRETARYApplication for admission to selective tests
SECRETARYComplaints and Suggestions Form
CENSUSRequest Certificates (registration, coexistence, history, assets, others)
CENSUSApplication for registration in the population register
CENSUSRequest change of address within the municipal term
CENSUSRenewal of registry registration for non-EU foreigners
CENSUSRequest for update/confirmation of the registration of community foreigners
CENSUSRequest for modification of the register registration (modification of data, cancellation due to duplication, cancellation due to death)
FORDSford license application
PUBLIC SERVICESRequest/communication for collection of belongings.
AEDLJob offer management request for companies
AEDLApplication for registration as a job seeker at the Local Employment and Development Agency
TOWN PLANNINGRequest for Urban Guarantee Certificate
TOWN PLANNINGPublic Highway Occupation License Application with Tables and Chairs
TOWN PLANNINGPublic Road Occupation Authorization Request (moving, container, mobile crane, etc.)
TOWN PLANNINGApplication for Major Works License
TOWN PLANNINGResponsible Declaration of Work for Construction or Reform. Minor Work.
TOWN PLANNINGRequest for segregation/division of farms
TOWN PLANNINGApplication for Work Permit for demolition of housing. Major Work
TOWN PLANNINGApplication for a municipal license for the possession of potentially dangerous animals
TOWN PLANNINGApplication for building permit for swimming pool. Major work
TOWN PLANNINGRequest for a certificate of antiquity of the dwelling for the purpose of registration in the Property Registry.
TOWN PLANNINGApplication for Authorization for Non-Sedentary Sale
TOWN PLANNINGNon-sedentary sale authorization renewal request
TOWN PLANNINGRequest for Minor Work License for construction or reform.
TOWN PLANNINGRequest for change of ownership for activity
TOWN PLANNINGResponsible Declaration of First and Second Occupation (Decree 12/2021, of January 22 of the Consell)
TOWN PLANNINGEnvironmental Responsible Declaration (Law 6/2014, of July 25 of the Generalitat Valenciana)
TOWN PLANNINGRequest Certificate of Urban Compatibility
TOWN PLANNINGEnvironmental Communication (Harmless Activities, Law 6/2014, of July 25, of the Generalitat Valenciana)
TOWN PLANNINGResponsible Declaration for the Opening of Public Shows, Recreational Activities and Public Establishments (Law 14/2010, of December 3, of the Generalitat Valenciana
TOWN PLANNINGTerritorial impact minimization license model
CIVIL REGISTRATIONRequest certificates (birth, marriage, death)

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